Some questions to help guide your transfer application
Discussion with international business students and future entrepreneurs at Maastricht University in Holland
I recently spoke with about 25 students from all over Europe interested in starting their own business or startup. I rearranged the chairs into a circle to accommodate our discussion. We shared thoughtful conversations on travel, self-employment, how to find books worth reading, and tips for forming good habits.
I've never enjoyed Powerpoint presentations. Children don't enjoy being lectures by their parents. Students would rather not be talked at for an hour by a professor. I find my clients do best when I solicit feedback and challenge them to think on their own. Instead of telling people what to do, I prefer to ask questions. In Maastricht, I learned as much from the the students as they did from me. By the time our talk concluded, they were speaking more than me.
Interested in transferring to UT-Austin? I present some questions that you may want to consider as you navigate the transition from your current institution to UT. Check out my article that I recently guest-published on the college admissions blog