US News Top-100 Admissions Offers
My clients have gained admission into over 90 of the US News Top 100 American colleges and universities, including every University of California campus (with Regents), Amherst, Boston College, Brown/RISD, Carnegie Mellon, Columbia, Cornell, Duke, Emory, Harvard, Georgetown, Georgia Tech, Johns Hopkins, Michigan, MIT, Notre Dame, NYU, Penn Wharton, Princeton, Rice BS/MD, Tufts, UMASS Amherst, UNC, USC, Vanderbilt, Virginia, Wake Forest, Washington-Seattle, Wesleyan, Williams, WUSTL, and Yale.
UT-Austin Results and Outcomes
My first-time freshman and transfer clients have found success with admission to UT Honors: Plan II (32), Canfield Business Honors Program (16), Turing Scholars (10), Liberal Arts Honors (6), Engineering Honors (9), Dean’s Scholars (2), and one each to ECE/Business Honors (ECB), ECE Honors, Health Science Scholars, and Moody Communications Honors. I’ve worked with two Forty Acres recipients and five semifinalists. Approximately 63% of my first-time freshman clients (272 out of 433) and 78% of transfers (80 of 103) have gained admission to their first-choice UT-Austin major since Fall of 2017. My CS, Engineering, and Business clients gained admission 156 out of 228 attempts (69% acceptance rate).
You can review results from Fall 2024 and previous years here.
Complete List of Admitted Universities
Full tuition or greater scholarships in bold
Adelphi; Alabama; Amherst; American; Arizona; Arizona State; Arkansas; Auburn; Austin College; Babson, Baylor; Boston College; Bradley; Brandeis; Brown; Bucknell; University of California at: [Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles, Merced, Riverside, San Diego, Santa Clara, Santa Barbara]; California State Polytechnic; Carnegie Mellon; Case Western Reserve; Chapman; Clemson; Colgate; Colorado-Boulder; Cornell; Davidson; Delaware; Drexel; Duke; Elon; Emerson; Emory; Embry Riddle; Florida; Florida State; Fordham; Fresno State; Furman; George Washington; Georgia; Georgia Tech; Georgetown; Harvard; Harvey Mudd; Hofstra; Houston; Illinois; Indiana; Johns Hopkins; Kansas; Kentucky; Kenyon College; Loyola Chicago; Loyola Marymount; Manchester (UK); Maryland; McGill (Canada); Miami (FL); Miami (OH); Michigan; School of Mines; Minnesota; Missouri; MIT; NC State; Northeastern; New York University; Notre Dame; Ohio State; Ole Miss Lott Honors; Oregon; Oklahoma; Oklahoma State; Pace; Penn State; Pepperdine; Pittsburgh; Pitzer College; Portland; Pratt; Princeton; Purdue; Rhode Island School of Design (Brown/RISD); Rice; Rose Hulman; Rutgers; Saint Louis; SMU; Southwestern (TX); South Carolina; St. Edwards; Syracuse; Temple; TCU; Texas A&M College Station; Texas State; Texas Tech; Tennessee; Trinity University; Tufts; Tulane; UNC Charlotte; UNC Chapel Hill; Utah; UT-Austin; UT-Dallas; University of Southern California; Vanderbilt; Virginia; Virginia Wesleyan, Wake Forest; Washington-Seattle; Washington University at St. Louis; Wesleyan; William and Mary; Wisconsin
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