Apply Texas Transfer Essay E: "Issue of importance"
Kittens on a floating house in Inle Lake, Myanmar
I like cats. They're pretty important to me. What's important to you?
You're not required to submit Essay E, but your only other option is Essay C "special circumstances." You are welcome to submit C and E, or just C. It is up to you.
There is no advantage or bonus points given to submitting more than the two required essays.
Sometimes, students get caught up on wanting to choose the "right" essays that "reviewers want to see." In trying to be novel and unique, I see applicants get frustrated. Consider: it would be impossible to predict what an admissions reviewer wants to see. This topic is much more about how you write and communicate your ideas rather than the topic you choose.
You can write about literally anything.
"Choose an issue of importance to you—it could be personal, school-related, local, political or international in scope—and write an essay in which you explain the significance of that issue to yourself, your family, your community or your generation."
One approach is to connect your issue of importance to what you want to major in or study. The advantage here is your Essay E could compliment your Essay A. You could offer a different dimension to what you have already discussed.
Another approach is to write about something totally separate from your intended area of study. Is there an issue or problem at your work place? Do you volunteer or commit to an activity outside of the classroom that is important to you?
Use Essay E to highlight and expand upon an important aspect of your resume. Like any college essay, telling a story is an effective way to illustrate your interests and what matters to you.
I do suggest tying your issue of importance into something you are personally interested or involved in. Sometimes, people write about topics for the sake of it, or because they think it is what reviews want to read: global warming, ISIS, space exploration, right-wing movements in America and Europe, etc.
No topic is off limits, but if you are writing about something totally disconnected from your biography, intended major, or the rest of your application, you may want to reconsider.
Essay E is part of a larger application portfolio putting forward the argument why you deserve a space at UT and your desired major.
Utilize Essay E to compliment your Essay A personal statement or add a different dimension to your application.
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