Receiving your Transfer Admissions Decision
Malapascua Island, The Philippines
Everything is submitted and complete. Now, try and relax.
When will you receive your decision? Applicants regardless of their major, when they applied, or how many hours they had completed by the deadline will find out within a few weeks of one another. That means Spring applicants hear back over winter break and perhaps as late as early January. For fall transfers, the earliest applicants hear back is late May with most decisions going out by mid-June.
In the past, if you had applied for spring admission, and you had completed 24 hours by the October 1 deadline, you would have found out about a month after applying.
The same went for fall admission. If you had 24 or more hours completed by March 1, you may have heard back in mid-April. Those who needed their spring grades to meet the hours minimum heard back in mid-June.
Once your GPA is recalculated to account for your spring grades, your decision will be released a few weeks after. It is important to regularly check your "My Status" page after you apply and receive your UTEID to ensure that all of your application materials are submitted and received by the Office.
You should learn your decision no later than June 15. In practice, most decisions are released by late May. It is unlikely that you receive admission prior to May 1.
Transfer decisions used to go out on a rolling basis, but not anymore.
I understand that it can be a tight turnaround to receive a decision in late May and have only a few months to negotiate a potential relocation to Austin. UT recognizes this and tries their hardest to get transfer decisions released sooner rather than later.
There are a ton of resources for finding apartments and you can also apply for on-campus housing. There is a short transfer orientation in August that you are encouraged to attend so you can meet with an academic adviser and register for classes.
If you did not find success transferring, it is important to consider your other options. It is not likely worth it to wait for another year to apply unless your grades significantly improve. I sometimes saw applicants applying 4 and 5 times. I found this hard to understand.
If you only applied and did not gain admission to UT, there are other universities that have later deadlines who would probably love to have you.