UT transfer hours requirement update
View from San Pedro de Atacama, Chile. Photo credit: Robert P from Australia
UT has recently announced that they are decreasing the number of hours required for transferring from 30 to 24. This should lessen the pressure to take a full freshman year course load for students with no previous college hours. The deadline for Fall 2018 is still March 1.
Spring 2018 applicants will still need 30 hours completed or in progress by the October 1 deadline.
"If you have already started your post-secondary studies at another college or university after graduating from high school or earning a GED, and have or will have earned 24 semester hours of required transferable coursework (30 hours for Summer/Fall 2017 and Spring 2018 applicants) at another college or university, apply for transfer admission."
You can read more about it here.
Interested in maximizing your transfer admissions chances? Get started with this questionnaire for a free consultation.